Elder Abuse

Cognitive Law offers sensitive, friendly, and professional advice relating to all elder abuse issues in Sussex and beyond.

Elder Abuse may be described as a single or repeated violation of an older person’s human and civil rights by another person or persons. It may be physical, financial, verbal, or psychological or an act of neglect or omission to act. It can also occur when an adult at risk is persuaded to enter into a financial or sexual transaction without consent. Abuse can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of, the person subjected to it.

It is a sad fact that Elder Abuse appears to be becoming more prevalent. Whilst some abuse is obvious, it can also take forms that might not be recognised as abuse by the abuser or, indeed, the person at risk. However, if you think you, or someone you know, is being abused, it is important to act as soon as possible.

Indicators of financial abuse may include a change in living conditions or lack of possessions, unexplained cash withdrawals or a shortage on money, loss of financial documents, changes in banking practice, others’ enhanced lifestyles of unexpected changes in the person’s will or power of attorney.

Whilst is important to remember that abuse indicators, such as above, are not proof of abuse, they may trigger warrant scrutiny.

Cognitive Law’s Richard Bates is a member of Solicitors for the Elderly and Action on Elder Abuse and has had many years of experience in dealing with elder abuse. Richard also advises individuals and professionals on how to spot signs of abuse, manage risk and take steps to safeguard the person at risk.

Richard is conscious of the fact that a person at risk may be emotionally or practically dependent upon an alleged abuser. They may not want, or feel sufficiently confident, to consider involving the authorities. As such, there are a number of ways that abuse concerns can be approached.

Abuse, in whatever form it takes, can be emotionally devastating, embarrassing and shocking. Rest assured that Cognitive Law takes all abuse concerns seriously and will act sympathetically and discreetly to support those in need of assistance.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this subject further, please contact Richard on 01273 284012 or email richard.bates@cognitivelaw.co.uk