Human Resources Services icon Human Resources Services

In addition to the wide range of legal services we offer for individuals and businesses, we also provide outsourced HR services.

Adastra, our HR partner, acts as a consultant to your business at a time when you need to bring in expert skills.

This may be for a long-term project, ad-hoc queries or in a retained capacity.

Whatever your business needs we will tailor our HR services to provide the most beneficial solution to suit your organisation, which covers the whole employee lifecycle.

Documentation, Processes & Compliance


We can review your business processes to identify any gaps, by dissecting and re-mapping them to examine each one in micro detail. We can rigorously test the chain of events to highlight any gaps or bottleneck.

HR Health Check

Policies are often overlooked until they need to be relied on and unfortunately this may be too late. We can provide an initial check of existing documentation to make sure you are legally compliant and thereafter regular health checks to ensure legal compliance and give you, as an employer, the best protection.

Documentation and Compliance

A set of new or updated employee policies to cover all elements of your “people and their employment” which can also cover any company specific ways of working. The policy library would include the latest key statutory policies of Disciplinary; Grievance; Equality; Managing Performance and Capability; and Sickness Absence, as well as a variety of best practice policies to cover all “people” eventualities such as Social Media, Dignity at Work, Maternity & Paternity, Flexible Working Requests, Shared Parental Leave and Retirement. We can make these policies available in your Handbook; or alternatively with a series of detailed policies and industry specific requirements that might be a better fit.


An employee Handbook is the go-to resource for all your people. This is the ideal place to share your values and goals and highlight your policies. Creating a handbook is a bespoke piece of work, using language and style that fits with your organisational culture. They can be critical to share your expectations with your people.

Breathe HR

We can support the installation of an HRIS system we use called Breathe HR, which is a great low-cost HR administration solution for SME’s. As part of implementing the system, we can manage the monthly licence and manage all document and policy uploads for cascading to your staff – so you do not have to worry about it.

Talent mapping and on boarding

The recruitment process can be both costly and time-consuming so once you have identified the best person for the role, it makes sense to get them up to speed as soon as possible.

The first step is to establish what the ‘best person’ looks like for the team and the business. We work with you to review the existing team and the role and identify any gaps in expertise and behaviours.  We are licensed Insights Discovery Practitioners, and this is a valuable tool in mapping any gaps and identifying needs.

We can then support any recruitment campaigns required to attract the most suitable candidates.

The on boarding process is key, getting off to a good start paves the way for a long and rewarding career for your employee and a quick return on your investment of time and money to recruit them.  We can advise on how to best prepare and plan for your new team member and how to create a strong psychological contract with them.

Performance Management and Appraisals

We can support performance management allowing managers to spot and address problems quickly, as well as keep everyone motivated and on track. By improving employee engagement and improving company productivity, performance management helps boost a company's profitability whilst keeping everyone happy.

Appraisals are a key part of a performance management system, designed to ensure that employees are in tune with developments in the business. They also ensure that individuals and teams are managed to achieve high levels of organisational performance, catching it going well and sometimes catching going not so well.

Our Managing People with Confidence workshops are a great solution to help train your managers to manage their teams brilliantly!

Coaching and Development

Once managers reach a certain level, they must make a conscious shift to a place where they can distance themselves enough from their team to take a more strategic view. Such a shift is a different experience for everybody, and your top performers often need an impartial and objective outlet.

Managers - We can support one-to-one coaching to develop senior managers. To support managers in this transition, they need to understand their own style and behavioural preferences and how to get the best of their team. Communication is key. As Insights Discovery Practitioners we can use Insights to improve self-awareness and learn a very simple way to adjust the way they work and interact with their people to maximise their potential.

Teams – Using Insights we can run training workshops which will allow teams to understand how to work better with colleagues, use their strengths with confidence, improve their development areas and understand the value and contribution they make.

Insights Discovery - This is a four-colour model which helps people understand themselves and others. The methodology is easy to understand and practical to apply. Its highly visual content makes it engaging and memorable, helping individuals to understand themselves, particularly in relation to others they work with. It is a powerful learning experience that really enhances self-awareness.

Employee Relations

It is every organisation’s aim to create and maintain a positive relationship with its employees. Sometimes it is necessary to address performance issues, re-structure, or deal with grievances; and we can fully support any activity requiring a robust and fair process to achieve the business outcomes. We can guide you through anything from needing to have a difficult conversation to redundancies.

Business Support

Other support we can provide to keep your business compliant include:

Health and Safety - to help you take control of your health and safety obligations with a full range of tailored services including workplace safety inspections/audits, fire safety risk assessments, policies, procedures, task/project risk assessments, method statements and training.

GDPR - Our Registered Independent Security Consultant (RISC) and GDPR practitioner, provides data protection solutions and outsourced Data Protection Officer (DPO as a service) support. He works collaboratively with your business to create specific, proportionate, and pragmatic compliance solutions. That means you can retain focus on the business knowing that you have access to expert support.

Payroll - We can offer a payroll service managing payroll for any number of employees; implementing pension schemes; benefits assessment and implementation; total reward strategy planning for your business; calculate PAYE and Tax contributions.