The landlord-tenant relationship is governed by various laws, and one key piece of legislation in the UK is the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (LTA54). Within this Act lies Section 25.

What is Section 25?

The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 was enacted to provide security of tenure for commercial tenants, offering a structured framework for lease renewals. Section 25 specifically deals with the landlord’s ability to end a tenancy by proposing the terms for a new one or refusing a new lease.

On what basis can a Landlord Refuse a new tenancy?

While tenants have the right to seek a new lease, landlords can oppose the renewal by serving a Section 25 notice stating one of the LTA54 section 30 grounds for opposition which may include:

  • Tenant Breach: If the tenant has breached significant lease obligations;
  • Landlord’s Own Intention: If the landlord plans to redevelop or occupy the property for their purposes;
  • Offer of Suitable Alternative Accommodation: If the landlord provides alternative premises that are deemed suitable for the tenant’s business.

The Section 25 Notice 

One or more of the section 30(1) grounds, the reasons for opposing, must be specified in this notice and/or it must set out the terms proposed by the landlord for the new lease, including rent and other conditions.  This notice is then served on the Tenant by the competent landlord.

The Tenant’s Response

Upon receiving the Section 25 notice, the tenant has the opportunity to respond within a specified timeframe. The response can involve either accepting the proposed terms, negotiating changes, or challenging the grounds for opposition or refusal.

Negotiations and Court Proceedings

If the parties fail to reach an agreement through negotiations, either party may apply to the court for a determination. The court will consider the circumstances, including the tenant’s business needs and the landlord’s grounds for opposition, before deciding whether to grant a new lease.

Section 25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 is a pivotal component in the area of commercial lease renewals, striking a balance between the rights of landlords and tenants.

Both parties should be aware of their rights and obligations to ensure the lease renewal process is handled effectively seeking legal advice where there is any concern or doubt over the process.

For any advice related to Section 25 or any issues regarding property disputes do not hesitate to contact me on or call on 01243 943203.

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