Month: May 2019
Disagreements between attorneys over a loved one’s affairs
Dementia Action Week- Day 5 Disagreements between attorneys over a loved one’s affairs My mother has dementia and has appointed her three children as her attorneys. I have always cared for mum, but now one of my sisters (who was never very involved with mum) has started to try to make decisions that I don’t... Read more »
My father has had to go into a care home and his bank will not let me set up a direct debit to pay the care fees monthly from his bank account. Unfortunately he cannot do this himself as he no longer understands what is involved.
Dementia Action Week- Day 4 Making an Application to the Court of Protection Once someone loses capacity the ability to make a Lasting Power of attorney is lost. This means that there are no legal arrangements in place for someone to make decisions, both financial and health related on behalf of the person who has... Read more »
My parents are very elderly but are in good health. Should they consider making Lasting Powers of Attorney?
Dementia Action Week – Day 3 Setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney Given your parents advanced age, it is recommended that they set up Lasting Powers of Attorney to cover any emergencies or future illnesses. What is a Lasting Power of Attorney? A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a recognised legal document whereby... Read more »
My father has been diagnosed with dementia. He has put off important changes to his will for months, but now his doctor says he no longer has capacity. Can anything be done?
Dementia Action Week- Day 2 Most people are aware of the importance of having an up to date will, even if they don’t have one in place. However, where someone has lost the capacity to make a will, attorneys or Court of Protection deputies cannot simply sign a will on someone’s behalf. Therefore, the only... Read more »
My mother has just been diagnosed as being in the very early stages of dementia. Is it too late for her to make a will?
Dementia Action Week- Day 1- the start Usually people who are in the very early stages of dementia are still able to make a valid will. In Banks v Goodfellow (1870) it was held that a will can be made as long as the will maker knows that they are making a will which will... Read more »
First Friday Lunch Club – June
We are really excited to have arranged the June First Friday lunch at The Brighton Beach Club on Friday 7th June. This months lunch is hosted by Howden and ASC, with special guest speaker Jenny Screech discussing “Professional Risk – It’s a minefield out there!”. Brighton Beach Club have asked that all bookings are made... Read more »