Succession Planning For Your Business – Part 3 – Share Structures and Directorships

If you are going to be retaining shares in your company even after you have exited the business, you will need to think carefully about the shares structure you have in place. See my article on share types for more information about the rights attaching to shares, the types and classes available. In order to... Read more »

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Succession Planning For Your Business – Part 2

So, you’ve carefully audited your business to ensure that everything behind the scenes is full, accurate and up to date.  (see Part 1 of this series for areas you need to consider). What are the options now available to you and what will you need to think about? You stop working as a full-time employee... Read more »

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Succession Planning For Your Business – Part 1

So, you’ve worked hard and spent years perfecting your skillset within your industry. You’ve built up a fantastic business and are now looking to take a step back from the coal face and maybe even retire. What are the options available to you? What will you need to do? There are many options available to... Read more »

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URGENT!!! But is it really?

Is it really urgent? Or are you just spiking my cortisol levels unnecessarily? These days so much of what I receive is marked “urgent”. If I was pilot or a surgeon, I would understand the urgency of a request to do something. But I am not. I am a lawyer. And in reality, there is... Read more »

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What’s in a share?

You and your business partners have got your business idea, a little funding and plenty of ideas and enthusiasm. Your accountant may have advised you to set up as a limited company, or you may have decided to do this. So now – what about your shares? They’re all the same, right? WRONG! There are... Read more »

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